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Premarital Course


  • Our purpose is to provide the Biblical tools necessary to build a solid foundation for a successful, thriving, growing, and loving marriage.


  • Purpose to prioritize your marriage BEFORE it starts by learning God’s plan for marriage. Find out how you can take your differences, your similarities, your strengths and weakness and use ALL of it to strengthen you as a couple. 
  • What are your love languages? How about your money languages? What are your expectations when it comes to marriage? Have you talked about in-laws? Children? Holidays? Goals? Dreams? Budgeting? Sex? How do you handle conflict? What does good communication look like? Purposefully being proactive about marriage topics BEFORE marriage, helps prevent reactive moments after marriage! 

BEFORE the Wedding to PREPARE:

The SYMBIS ASSESSMENT (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts) with Dr. Les and Leslie Parrott 

  • Assessment ($35)
  • 3-4 “Unpacking” sessions ($100)

AFTER the Wedding (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) to PROACTIVELY secure a solid marriage foundation in your first year of marriage:

  • 10-Week Marriage on the Rock Group Class  ($75 for classes & material)
  • Offered twice a year with option via ZOOM.

Completing the SYMBIS and 10-Week Course equips couples to start marriage right: proactive, prepared and with a purposeful plan…God has a plan for your marriage and it’s a good one. 

Each couple receives a certificate upon completion of BOTH the SYMBIS Assessment and Marriage on the Rock Course.